
Sunday, November 04, 2007

The problem...

In week 5, we tried to practice pair programming. As some of us had already got the development environment set, they were ready to do, while some didn’t as they were still waiting for more space from FIT. Thus first of all the prepared pair started to programme together. After around 10 minutes, we found a problem. That wasn’t really the problem of pair programme, but it was very general one as any project can have. The problem was that no one is familiar with Java Swing, which is major API to develop Java Window application. Therefore, instead of doing pair programming, we started doing spike. Spike is also one of good features from XP. It is trying to code in quick and dirty way in order to find the solution of the problem. However, we couldn’t even start spiking as already mentioned we had absolutely no idea about Swing, so we actually spent much time on researching first. We could eventually do some spike yet it was not enough to get the result. Thus after the first pair programming we couldn’t get any satisfactory result. In the second meeting of the same week, we could get the windows displaying many text areas yet it was actually the result form the spike. We could anyway have the programme to show the client yet it wasn’t so good. Thus we all agreed to research until the next meeting.

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